Thank you for volunteering with Virtual CodeDay! Welcome to our volunteer portal with information on how you can help us help you help us organize the event!

First off, please make sure you are in the CodeDay Discord server! We use discord as our primary means of communication with students and other staff, so not being there you will miss out on important CodeDay-related information!

When you join, you'll be prompted to sign in with your CodeDay Account. If you don't have a CodeDay Account already, it's important to create one. Your CodeDay Account gives you access to our volunteer resources, like your email address, edit access to this Notion, and the Virtual CodeDay Discord Channel.

On your CodeDay Account, you will see a box to enter a volunteer code. For access to this code, DM Lola (@oohwooh#1312) on Discord.

Also, be sure to follow our social media channels: LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter to share some of our content and stay in the loop! (Make sure your friends do too!)

Volunteer Onboarding Calls

CodeDay Volunteer Opportunities

Planning Timeline/Deadlines

Leadership Roles

[Leadership roles for Winter 2021 still being planned, check back later!]

To sign up for a leadership role, please email [email protected] with your name and the role you want to take on

Leadership positions will be listed on the website

Other Volunteer Roles

